One of the Norway’s largest and most prominent venues for performance of dramatic arts is the National Theatre in Oslo (Nationaltheatret)
The theatre had its first performance on 1 September 1899 but can trace its origins to Christiania Theatre, which was founded in 1829 as a private institution. Only hundred years later the Norwegian government started providing some financial support for the theater.
The main building is located between the Royal Palace and the Parliament of Norway and it was designed by architect Henrik Bull.
The theatre organisation manages four stages: the main stage (Hovedscenen), the amphitheatre (Amfiscenen) and Painting Parlour (Malersalen) within the main building. The fourth is the Torshov Theatre (Torshovteatret) in the Torshov district of Oslo.
The theatre is often considered the home for Ibsen’s plays, and most of his works have been performed here.
NARODNO KAZALIŠTE Jedno od najvećih i najznačajnijih mjesta za izvedbu dramskih umjetnosti u Norveškoj je Narodno kazalište u Oslu. (Nationaltheatret)
Prva kazališna izvedba bila je 1. rujna 1899. no predstave su se organizirale i ranije, još u Christianija kazalištu koje je osnovano 1829. kao privatna institucija. Samo stotinjak godina kasnije norveški parlament započeo je financiranje kazališta.
Glavna zgrada smještena je između kraljevske palače i zgrade Parlamenta, a projektant je bio Henrik Bull.
Unutar glavne zgrade kazalište upravlja sljedećim pozornicama / odjelima: glavna pozornica (Hovedscenen), amfiteatar (Amfiscenen) i slikarski salon (Malersalen). Četvrta pozornica je Torshov kazalište (Torshovteatret) u istoimenoj četvrti.
Kazalište se najčešće smatra domom za Ibsenove drame, jer je većina njegovih djela izvedena upravo ovdje.