Having only three days in Amsterdam meant we won’t be able to visit and eat in as much restaurant we would like to, so Debeli had a very difficult task to fulfill. He had to do a thorough research and a tough choice between choosing our dinning places. But he did an excellent job. As usual.
The first breakfast in Amsterdam, just before visiting the van Gogh museum, was in the close distance from our hotel.
The pancake club is a small but busy pancake place, located just next to a canal with a beautiful terrace, that was unfortunately closed as the weather was shitty those days, so we sat inside and ordered our delicious LP size pancakes with bacon & cheese and ham & cheese.
To add something sweet to our breakfast we ordered a portion of famous Dutch poffertjes, a small size fluffy pancakes with powder sugar on top.
Poffertjes are made with yeast and buckwheat flour and they have a light, spongy texture. Often served with powdered sugar, butter or some kind of syrup they were perfect start to our busy day.

Gartine, on the other hand, had more of an antique vibe. No wonder, as all the ladies were in the kitchen and on the floor of this very very small café that serves breakfast, lunch & afternoon tea.
Their products come directly from their own kitchen garden as the staff of Gartine supports the foundation ‘Adopteer een kip’ and works with organic eggs, so egg breakfast was understandable.
Growing your own products in the restaurant industry is not something new. It’s been here for as long the food exist, but it’s not common that’s for sure. I remember working in a restaurant in Italy, near Rome, where the owners of the restaurant (same time the wife was the kitchen chef) used most of their own garden vegetables. They had a big plot of land, just few minutes ride with a Fiat 500, where they build their house and grow tomatoes, zuccas, eggplants etc. They had their own basil just outside the back door of the restaurant’s kitchen. I would run out and pick something before the chef would serve the meal to the guests. So, you see, it’s not something extraordinary, it’s just not ordinary. But lately large number of restaurant is putting a big accent on their locally produced ingredients and they are making efforts in making less travel time from the ground to the plate.
Zero km food (0 km food) is a concept that first appeared in Italy just few years ago, but the philosophy is quickly spreading all over the world and now lot of restaurants try to grow their own vegetables, fruits and herbs.
De Kas is one of those examples.
They even have their own eight meter high greenhouse adjacent to the restaurant and their moto says it all: picked in the morning, served in the afternoon.
Some 30 kilometers to the north, in the Beemster region, they have a large field where they cultivate more than hundred different types of vegetables, herbs and fruits incorporated daily into the menu.
They also cooperate with local farmers of Beemster region that supply them with best field pies, grapes, pumpkins, plums, apples and more.
The whole sustainable idea of living and working is seen and felt from far away, as the restaurant is hidden in the big Frankendael park with a big, spacious no walls all glass seating area.
Since we arrived around lunch time the mid sun gave us warmth and beautiful light for photos but the joy was interrupted by an angry bee that stung Debeli.
So, the funny thing with us is, if we come to an empty bar/restaurant/whatever suddenly the space will get immediately filled with other people. Or bees in this case. We were not the only one in the restaurant, but the bees occupied only our space and time. Soon we became the main attraction for a neighboring table as we asked for a vodka to calm Debeli’s swollen hand 🙂
The whole De Kas menu is veggies based, and the internet reviews were divided. Between those praising the food and those telling you won’t be full afterwards. Our thoughts in the end were combination of both. We were properly fed, but went hungry soon after 🙂

Crunchy tapioca mustard chips with savory celery dip was a mouthful while we waited for the appetizers
Swiss chard with tandoori spices and crispy papadum of Indian origin that’s a usually rounded flatbread usually made of black gram flour or other sources such as lentils, chickpeas, rice or tapioca.
Tasty white beet piccalilli (English interpretation of South Asian pickles or a relish) with parmigiano and breadcrumbs.
Red beet with burrata and raspberry jam was a bit too mild for Debeli’s taste, he missed the sour note, but I found the dish to be extremely delicious and photogenic.
Bloody Mary oysters arrived three dishes late but we incorporated them perfectly. Sweet and salty at the same time they were a perfect reminder that we’re close to the Atlantic ocean.
Three types of peas with peach in an almond and garlic sauce was probably our favorite dish in de Kas. It had all the must have particles of a dish. It was light, fresh, crunchy, sweet and sour at the same time. Perfect!
Plaice flatfish was the only animal on the menu.
Grilled on a skin of sour dough with vegetables and anchovies and lovage sauce was light ending to our lunch, but the dessert surpassed it.
Fig tree leave sorbet with panna cotta and a fig and almond cookie was a perfect finish. Fresh and light, cold and sweet, fragrant and crispy. A definite must!
Situated in an old tram depo from 1901 but founded in 2014, Foodhallen is a home to around twenty street food vendors and it’s a true food lovers paradise.
On a gloomy rainy day, when it’s too cold to sit outside, the locals gather here where you can get anything from wood-fired pizzas to Asian spring rolls and Greek meze.

And the biggest hot dog ever.

Bulls and dogs serve their own sausages made by a local butcher from Amsterdam according to their own recipes. Each sausage with its own unique flavor is served on a crunchy German pretzel bun with three color cabbage and homemade sauce and toppings.
Restaurant C was Debeli’s choice for his birthday dinner. The whole concept seemed very interesting as the letter in the name stands for Celsius or the temperature the dish has been prepared in. From – 20° to 200°. Just as our dinner started. And ended.
We arrived on time, but were seated in a waiting area because our table wasn’t ready. Waited around 20 minutes and thought of ditching the place when we were finally seated for a table that was already empty. The waiter was scratching balls, instead of bringing us the drinks at the same time. Waited whole lot more to get our order out. Once we finally did, it went better. Our desire to try everything from the menu probably confused already lost waiter 🙂
The bread with tandoori curry dip and roasted walnuts. Very delicious! Bread alone, but with a dip….mmmm
The first set of the dishes was from the 0 – 20° raw & cold section
Watermelon with tabouleh, cottage cheese, pomegranate, onion and olive snack was somewhere between wtf and mmmm this is delicious. The whole combination is unblending. I mean you have watery fruit and a watery soft cheese. That’s too much fluids. But the sweet and sour combo was unpleasantly tasty.
Raw mullet was supposed to be cold but the poor guy got warm on the way to our table, so it wasn’t as tasty as it should be. Still, with kohlrabi, yuzu and padrón peppers, was a bit better that the watermelon crazy combination.
The pork belly and the duck were from the 40 – 80° part, slowly cooked, predominantly sous-vide technique low temperature long time, so Debeli went for a 67° steamed pork belly in a tom yam soup with shrimps and puffed rice that reminded us of Thai food and was very tasty actually.
My duck was cooked on a 65° and served with zucchinis, and Moroccan paste made of chickpea and harissa. A classic.
I was sipping the gin cocktails all night but the the Last Word left me speechless!
The gin based cocktail with green Chartreuse, maraschino liqueur and lime juice was originally developed at the Detroit Athletic Club and during the prohibition era the gin used for was made in bathtubs 🙂
From the 100° steamed and cooked section came out the marinated eggplant with sweet potato, tomato and burrata. Very light, creamy and a delicious dish.
Debeli was delighted with his eringi mushroom pasta, truffles and egg yolk cooked at 65°.
Lamb and the pigeon were prepared on a very high temperature, at least 200° on grill or plancha plate, so they were crisp on the outside but soft on the inside.
Lamb with broccolini and bagna càuda hot sauce made from garlic and anchovies, originating in Piedmont, Italy during the 16th century.
Pigeon was served, again, with Moroccan cream, carrots and couscous. Well prepared and very tasty!
Desserts prepared on a very low temperatures, from -20° to 0° were chocolate, cherry, yogurt, Kriek style of Belgian beer, made by fermenting lambic with sour Morello cherries. Yummy!
Don’t remember the whole experience with the chocolate desert, but I remember my Dutch butter candy with coffee and hopjes was brilliant.
Originated in the 18th century hopjes are a type of Dutch sweets with a slight coffee and caramel flavor, probably the reason why I liked the dessert. Oh, and, because they designed it very well. Hence the C in the middle of the plate 🙂
No matter how much the experience in C started unpleasantly, our lunch in Daalder in Jordaan area, the day after was complete the opposite. Regarding the service in the first place and than the food as well.
Actually, everything in Daalder was perfect. From the interior, small details, lovely and generous staff all the way to the food.

We started with small amusements like salmon nigiri meringue with a ponzu gel and kombucha tea served in a small bottles in a small bottle crate. Soooo cute, I wanted to grab it for my self, but we’ve only just arrived, so it would be too weird. 🙂
Just as I thought it could get better with the presentation, the fish & chips came on a small wood pallet served on a small newspaper, like fish & chips were originally packaged.
So original. And tasty at the same time!
Tuna salad with blackcurrant and radish was served in a spoon, because why not.
I don’t quite recall the technical stuff behind the next dish (it’s been six months since the visit, not my finest, I know) except it was citrus sour, sweet and salty at the same time and there was Brazilian sugar cane and lychee ice cream. Definitely good, right?

The fish was finally cold and with apple ice cream both sweet and sour at the same time.
Poached egg with green asparagus and morel mushrooms and parmigiano was Debeli’s favorite dish of the lunch. He’s big lovers of everything with egg, but when a sole egg is prepared well he is all so delighted.
Tenderloin with potato, lovage cream and ginger sauce was extremely delicious just as the lamb with black garlic sauce, union 55 rum and bell pepper.
Just as we thought that the dishes could not get better we were surprised and left in awe with the desserts. First the white corn yogurt ice cream with coconut bergamot whose texture was copy paste of the real corn but the taste was that of light coconut flavor. You can tell that I’m left without words here anymore 🙂
But then…then in the end came both the chef and the owner of Daalder Dennis Huwaë and he brought his own version of the traditional stroopwafel. If you read my last post, you could have learnt what ingredients you need and how the waffle is made. So did we, on our food tour, and just when we got comfortable with it we were hit with the opposite. The best way to describe the chefs interpretation is: imagine having a pair of trousers but you dress them inside out 🙂
The ingredients used for making the waffle were now the basic of a filling, or an ice cream in this case, while the usual filling of the stroopwafel was acting as a caramel crust, everything sitting on bunch of regular stroopwafel crumbs in a traditional can. Mind blowing! And very very delicious!
Just as everything else in Daalder! Definitely our No 1 of the whole visit to Amsterdam. Should be yours too!
Plus if you enjoy whiskys or/and good music don’t miss out J.D Williams whisky bar!
They have a great selection of whiskey and whiskey based cocktail as well as the cool ambient.

But you can sit outside on a street and enjoy Amsterdam. Just have in mind the time, so you don’t (almost) miss your flight, like we did 🙂
Gdje dobro pojesti jest vječna dilema kad putujete u novi grad, a kad imate samo tri dana da ga istražite onda je još veća.
Debeli je imao težak zadatak ovaj put, odabrati i izabrati između nekoliko dobro rangiranih restorana za samo šest obroka. Koji je bio finalni izbor, pročitajte u tekstu ispod.
Prvi izbor za doručak u Amsterdamu, taman prije posjeta van Gogh muzeju, bio je The pancake club u neposrednoj blizini hotela. Palačinka klub je mali restorančić, tik uz kanal s predivnom vanjskom terasom koja je, nažalost, bila zatvorena jer je vrijeme bilo trulo, tako da su nas posjeli unutra.
Ništa drugo u Palačinka klubu nije dolazilo u obzir osim palačinki, veličine gramofonske ploče i poffertjesa, naravno.
Poffertjes su male pufnaste palačinke koje spadaju među najpoznatije nizozemske slastice, a najčešće se poslužuju posute šećerom u prahu ili nekim slatkim preljevom ili pekmezom. Energetska bomba za dan ispunjen aktivnostima 🙂

Gartine, s druge strane, imao je više shabby chic, a manje urbanu vibru za razliku od palačinkarnice.
Nije ni čudo kad su u kuhinji i u posluzi sve žene 🙂
Mala zalogajnica koja nudi doručak, ručak i popodnevni čaj koristi sastojke isključivo iz svog vrta, a jaja koja poslužuju su od kokica koje slobodno trče dvorištem, tako da su se jajca za doručak podrazumijevala.
Kajgana sa svježe ubranim biljem posluženo na tostu od kiselog kvasca sa slaninom i zelenom salatom i jaja Benedict s meko kuhanim jajima, parmigiano sirom, špinatom i béarnaise umakom.
Uzgoj vlastitih proizvoda u restoranskoj industriji nije nešto novo. Postoji od kad postoji hrane i posluge, ali zasigurno nije uobičajeno. Sjećam se rada u restoranu u Italiji, blizu Rima, gdje su vlasnici restorana (vlasnica je ujedno bila i glavna kuharica) koristili povrće i začinsko bilje iz vlastitog vrta udaljenog nekih dvadesetak minuta vožnje starim Fiat ćinkvećentom. Bosiljak je bio posađen u dvorištu iza restorana i ja bih samo izašla na zadnja vrata i ubrala ga za netom spravljeno jelo. Tako da, nije to ništa neobično, ali nije ni najuobičajenije. No, velik broj restorana u zadnje vrijeme stavlja veliki naglasak na lokalne proizvode te se trude da je što manje prevaljenih kilometara od proizvođača do stola.
Hrana s 0 kilometara (0 km food) koncept je što se pojavio u Italiji prije nekoliko godina, no filozofija se vrlo brzo proširila posvuda po svijetu i sad se puno novih restorana trudi uzgojiti vlastite namirnice; povrće, voće ili začinsko bilje.
De Kas je jedan od takvih primjera.
Čak imaju i svoj osam metara visoki plastenik u produžetku restorana, a moto im je: ubrano ujutro, posluženo popodne.
Nekih 30 km na sjever, u Beemster regiji, imaju veliko polje gdje uzgajaju stotinjak različitih vrsta povrća, bilja i voća koje se sezonski poslužuje na meniju.
Surađuju također s lokalnim seljacima iz iste regije koji ih snabdijevaju s najboljim graškom, grožđem, bundevama, šljivama, jabukama i sl.
Održivi koncept života i rada u de Kasu vidi se izdaleka, obzirom da je restoran sakriven u zelenilu javnog Frankendael parka.
Veliki prostor bez zidova s ogromnom staklenom stjenkom kao da mimikrira staklenik u dvorištu.
Obzirom da smo došli taman na ručak oko jedan, popodnevno sunce grijalo nas je kroz staklo istovremeno pružajući savršeno osvjetljenje za fotografiranje. Bilo je bez fleša i keša 🙂 No, sreća je bila kratkog vijeka, jer je Debelog ubola pčela.
Znači mi imamo neku neobičnu karmu jer gdje god dođemo, ako je restoran / bar prazan vrlo brzo će se napuniti drugim ljudima. Ili pčelama u ovom slučaju. Od svih ljudi, a restoran je bio krcat, pčele su oblijetale naš stol i obrušile se na Debelog. Bili smo glavna atrakcija za susjedne stolove jer smo naručili žesticu da ublažimo bol na ljutu ranu 🙂
Od muke, boli i jada pijuckali smo cuvee XXI i rizling
De Kasov meni bazira se isključivo na povrću i komentari na internetu bili su podijeljeni. Od onih koji su hranu hvalili na sva usta do onih koji su komentirali da ćete nakon obroka izaći gladni. Naš zaključak na kraju bio je kombinacija obojeg. Fino smo pojeli, fino smo se najeli, al smo brzo bili gladni.

Hrskavi čips od tapioke s umakom od celera bio je toliko zarazan da sam ga mogla pojest cijelu vreću, ali ispred nas je još toliko toga pa pojeli samo što nam je bilo servirano 🙂
Stabljika blitve u tandori umaku s hrskavim papadumom, tankim beskvasnim kruhom indijskog porijekla, koji se najčešće pravi od brašna crnog munga ili leće, slanutka, riže ili tapioke.
Ukusna bijela repa s piccalillijem (engleska interpretacija južno azijskog načina kiseljenja) s parmigianom i krušnim mrvicama.
Crvena cikla s burratom i pekmezom od maline bila je preblagog okusa za Debelovo istančano nepce, falilo mu je mrvicu kiseline (možda malo kiseliji pekmez), no ja nisam imala prigovora. Plus bilo je predivnih boja i vrlo fotogenično.
Bloody Mary kamenice stigle su tri slijeda kasnije, no uspjeli smo naći način da ih fino ukomponiramo u niz jela. Slatke i slane u isto vrijeme bile su divan podsjetnik da smo samo tridesetak kilometara udaljeni od Atlantskog oceana.
Tri vrste graška s breskvom u umaku od badema i češnjaka bilo je vjerojatno najbolje jelo u de Kasu. Zadovoljilo je sve potrebne stavke koje jelo treba imati. Bilo je lagano, svježe, hrskavo, slatko i kiselo u isto vrijeme. Savršeno!
Riba list bila je jedina životinja na meniju. Grilana na tankoj korici tijesta od kiselog kvasa s povrćem i umakom od inćuna i ljupčaca bio je lagani završetak našeg ručka, no desert je nadmašio gotovo sve ostalo.
Sorbet od smokvinog lista s panna cottom i kolačićem od smokve i badema bio je savršen završetak. Lagan i svjež, hladan i sladak, mirisan i hrskav. Prefino!
Smješten u starom tramvajskom depou iz 1901, utemeljen 2014, Foodhallen je dom dvadesetku štandova s uličnom hranom i pravi je raj za ljubitelje hrane.
Kad je vrijeme tmurno i kišovito i nije baš najljepše za sjedit vani na terasi, lokalci se okupe ovdje gdje na jednom mjestu možete pronaći sve od pizze do azijskih rolica i grčke meze.

Bull & dogs poslužuju kobasice iz vlastite proizvodnje koje radi lokalni mesar iz Amsterdama prema njihovom receptu. Svaka kobasica ima jedinstvenu aromu i poslužuje se u hrskavom njemačkom perec kruhu s domaćim umacima i nadjevima.

Restoran C bio je Debelov izbor za njegovu rođendansku večeru. Cijeli koncept činio se jako zanimljivim jer slovo u naslovu restorana stoji za celzijus ili temperature na kojima se jela spravljaju.mOd – 20° to 200°. Kao što je započelo i završilo cijelo iskustvo.
U restoran smo stigli na vrijeme, ali smo ostavljeni čekati u predvorju jer stol nije bio spreman. Čekali smo oko dvadesetak minuta razmišljajući da otkažemo sve kad su nas konačno posjeli. Za već neko vrijeme prazan stol. Konobar se češao po jajima pa nam nije stigao donijeti cugu u isto vrijeme, a i trebalo mu je neko vrijeme da uzme narudžbu. Činjenica da dvoje ljudi želi probati sve s menija, malo mu je zbunilo koncept. Ipak, jadan se snašao na kraju.
Dok smo čekali cugu i sve grickao se kruh s umakom od tandori karija i oraha.
Prvi set jela iz sirove i hladne sekcije bio je spravljen na 0 – 20° stupnjeva.
Lubenica s taboulehom, svježim sirom, narom, lukom i maslinama bio je negdje između ‘’’koji vrag?” i ”mmmmmm ovo je jako ukusno”. Cijela kombinacija, sama za sebe, je neopisivo nespojiva. Mislim, s jedne strane imate vodenastu lubenicu, pa onda opet nekaj vodenasto (sir) što je puno vode na kraju, ali slatko kisela kombinacija bila je nevjerojatno ukusna.
Sirovi cipal trebao je biti hladan, ali dok je siroče došao do nas sav se ugrijao tako da nije bio ukusan kao što je trebao. Bezobzira, s korabom, yuzu limunom i paprikama, bio je malo bolji od lude kombinacije s lubenicom.
Svinjska potrbušina i patka bili su iz 40 – 80° sekcije, polako kuhani sous vide tehnikom, tako da nas je svinja kuhana na 67° u tom yam juhi s kozicama i rižom podsjetila na Tajland i automatski zaslužila prolaznu ocjenu.
Patka ko patka, kuhana na 65° te poslužena s tikvicama i marokanskom pastom od slanutka i harise bila je klasično dobra.
Cijelo vrijeme sam pila gin tonike s tim da me Last word koktel ostavio bez riječi. Koktel od gina, zelenog Chartreuse, maraskino likera i soka od limete izmišljen je u Detroit Athletic Club za vrijeme prohibicije kad se za koktele koristio isključivo gin rađen u domaćoj radinosti, u kadama 🙂
Iz sekcije pareno i kuhano na 100° došao je marinirani partlidžan sa slatkim krumpirom, rajčicom i burratom. Jako lagano, kremasto i ukusno jelo.
Debeli se oduševio svojim eringi gljivama s tartufima i žumanjom polagano kuhanim na 65°.
Janjetina i golub bili su pečeni na vrlo visokoj temperaturi, oko 200° na plancha ploči, tako da bi izvana bili hrskavi dok su iznutra ostali mekani i sočni.
Janjetina s brokolicama i bagna càuda toplim umakom spravljenim od češnjaka i inćuna, porijeklom iz Pijemonta u Italiji.
Golub je bio poslužen, ponovno s već probanim marokanskim umacima, malim mrkvama i kuskusom. Izvrsno spravljeno i jako ukusno!
Deserta spravljenog na niskoj temperaturi od -20° to 0° s čokoladom, višnjama, jogurtom i kriek belgijskim pivom ne sjećam se najbolje. Sigurno je bilo ukusno. Mislim, čokolada i pivo, ne?
No zato je desert originalnog izgleda; slastica od maslaca u obliku slova C s okusom kave i karamela po uzoru na tradicionalni nizozemski bombon hopjes bio fantastičan. Obzirom da ne pijem kavu navečer ovo je bila dostojna zamjena. Vrlo vrlo fino!
Koliko god je iskustvo u C-u bilo poluzadovoljavajuće, toliko je Daalder, smješten u Jordaan četvrti, dan nakon – oduševio! Što se tiče usluge prvenstveno, ali jela pogotovo.
Zapravo, sve u vezi s Daalderom je bilo fenomenalno. Od postave interijera, do malih detalja, ljubaznog osoblja pa sve do hrane.

Ručak smo započeli mali zanimacijama koje su dolazile i predstavljene u elegantnim ili maštovitim kombinacijama kao losos nigiri na meringue kolačiću s ponzu gelom i kombucha čajem serviranom u malim bočicama postavljenim u minijaturne gajbe.
Taman kad sam mislila da me ne mogu više oduševiti stigla je pržena riba s krumpirićima servirana na minijaturnoj drvenoj paleti prekrivenom malim novinama, baš kao što se fish & chips zna zamotati u list starih novina. Predobro!
Salata od tune s kupinama i hrenom servirana u žlici, jer zašto ne?
Ne sjećam se više tehničkih stvari iza ovog jela, jer je prošlo skoro pola godine kako pišem tekst (nije moj najdivniji trenutak, svjesna sam toga), ali bilješke kažu da je bilo citrusno, slatko i slano u isto vrijeme te da su u pitanju bili brazilska šećerna trska i sladoled od ličija. Mora da je bilo dobro.
Riba je konačno bila hladna i vrlo ukusna poslužena sa sladoledom od jabuke koji je bio slatko kiseli u isto vrijeme.
Poširano jaje sa zelenim šparogama i smrčak gljivama bilo je Debelovo omiljeno jelo. Gospodin je veliki ljubitelj svega s jajima, no kad je samo jaje u pitanju i to dobro spravljeno onda njegovoj sreći nema kraja.
Biftekčić s krumpirom, kremom od ljubčaca i umakom od đumbira bio je nevjerojatno ukusan, baš kao i janjetina s umakom od češnjaka, Union 55 rumom i crnim paprom.
I taman kad smo pomislili da jela ne mogu biti bolja iznenadili su nas s desertom. Prvo je stigao bijeli kukuruz koji nije bio kukuruz već sladoled od jogurta i kokosa s bergamotom, čija je tekstura bila doslovna kopija površine kukuruza, ali okusom ništa kao kukuruz. Lagano i aromatično po kokosu, baš kako volimo.
No, onda….onda pred kraj, sam chef i vlasnik Daaldera iznio je svoju verziju tradicionalnog nizozemskog vafla. Ako ste čitali moj zadnji post, znate kako i od čega se spravlja stroopwafel. Znali smo i mi i zato smo ostali još više iznenađeni kad smo probali verziju Dennisa Huwaëa. Najbolji način za dočarati desert jest: zamislite par hlača koje obučete naopako.
Sastojci koji se koriste za spravljanje vafla ovdje su se iskoristili sladoledno punjenje dok se od sastojaka koji se inače koriste za punjenje (slatki karamel preljev) napravio hrskavi vafl. Nevjerojatno. I nevjerojatno ukusno!
Zasigurno nešto najfinije i najoriginalnije od cijelog ručka koji bi rado ponovili i koji rado preporučujemo svima koji putuju u Amsterdam.
Plus, ako ste ljubitelj whiskya ili samo dobre glazbe, ne zaboravite navratiti J.D William’s whiskey bar!
Imaju odličan izbor ovog žestokog pića, koktela i divan ambijent.
Ali mi smo sjedili vani na ulici i uživali u Amsterdamu.

I skoro zakasnili na let 🙂