Slow food and fast cars is a motto of Modena city and no wonder why since some of the most prominent men representing both food and cars were born just there. So if I give you just two words: red and a horse, I’m sure you would be able to make the connection, right?
The man behind some of the most luxurious cars was born on a snowy and stormy day in February of 1898 in Modena. He was of very modest family origin and grew up with little formal education, but from an early age, Enzo fell in love with cars and races that eventually led him to volunteer in the Fiat Company.
In his early twenties, Enzo joined the racing team of Alfa Romeo as a driver, and very soon he started winning all kinds of different races.

After the birth of his son, Afredo in 1932, Ferrari decided to retire and to focus on the management and development of the factory Alfa race cars, eventually building up a race team of very successful drivers.
The team was called Scuderia Ferrari and acted as a racing division for Alfa Romeo. Somewhere in this period the prancing horse emblem started to show up his team’s cars.
The emblem was actually created and sported by Italian fighter plane pilot Francesco Baracca. During World War I, Baracca gave Ferrari a necklace with the prancing horse on it prior to take-off. Baracca was shot down and killed by an Austrian aeroplane in 1918, so in memory of his death, Ferrari used the prancing horse to create the emblem that would become the world-famous Ferrari shield. Initially displayed on Alfa Romeo’s, the shield was first seen on a Ferrari in 1947.
In 1939 Ferrai left Alfa Romeo to work on his own, but with the outbreak of the WWII his company was forced to undertake war production for Mussolini’s fascist government and after the Allied bombing of the factory, Ferrari relocated from Modena to Maranello, where the company still operates and makes some of the finest racing and sport cars.

Since Debeli and me are more into slow food, rather than fast cars, we opted for a visit to the museum in Modena, leaving the one in Maranello for some other time.
Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari in Modena is focused on both life and work of Enzo Ferrari and it’s made of two separate buildings, a former house and workshop that belonged to Enzo Ferrari’s father, and a new building designed by the architectural practice Future Systems.
The new 6,000 square meters building houses a permanent exhibition displaying some of the most noteworthy Ferrari’s automobiles, including rare cars of the 1950s, Formula One race cars and more recent sports cars.

The museum is open daily, almost year around, from 9:30am to around 6pm and for a 17 euros per capita you can think how you’ll never own one of these beauties 🙂

Better comfort yourself with some pasta 🍝 🙂
Polagana hrana i brzi auti moto je grada Modene, što i nije neko čudo jer su neki od najpoznatijih kuhara i auto inženjera rođeni upravo ovdje, pa ako vas upitam koja je poveznica između crvene boje i propinjućeg konja, biste li znali odgovor?

Kreator nekih od najluksuznijih auta rođen je jednog snježnog olujnog dana veljače 1898 u Modeni. Enzo Ferrari potjecao je iz skromne obitelji te je odrastao bez formalnog obrazovanja, no od ranih nogu zaljubio se u trkaće automobile i utrke koje su ga svojevremeno odvele put Milana gdje je volontirao u tvornici Alfa Romeo.
Kad je Enzo napunio 21 prvi put je sudjelovao u utrci Parma-Poggio di Berceto gdje je završio na četvrtom mjestu.
U ranim dvadesetima Enzo se pridružio Alfa Romeo trkaćem timu u ulozi vozača te je ubrzo počeo osvajati prva mjesta na raznoraznim utrkama.
Nakon rođenja sina Afreda 1932. Ferrari se odlučio umiroviti s mjesta vozača i koncentrirati isključivo na poslovanje i razvoj Alfinih trkaćih automobila istovremeno stvarajući tim vrlo dobrih vozača, Scuderia Ferrari tim.
Nekako u isto vrijeme simbol propinjućeg konja počeo se pojavljivati na trkaćim automobilima.
Simbol je zapravo dizajnirao talijanski ratni pilot Francesco Baracca za vrijeme prvog svjetskog rata. Prije nego je odletio u svoj posljednji let, Baracca je Ferrariju dao medaljon s ovakvim konjem. Ostalo je povijest.

Ferrari je napustio Alfa Romeo 1939. u želji da stvori vlastiti posao, no Drugi svjetski rat pomrsio mu je račune i tvrtka je morala proizvoditi ratne dijelove za Mussolinijeve bistre ideje. Nakon Savezničkog bombardiranja, tvornica se iz Modene preselila dvadesetak kilometara južnije u Maranello gdje i danas posluje.

Obzirom da smo Debeli i ja veći pobornici hrane nego auta, barem u tolikoj mjeri da ne bi trošili vrijeme i novac na posjet tvornici (iako drugi puta možda i odemo), posjetili smo Ferrarijev muzej u Modeni.
Muzej Casa Enzo Ferrari sastoji se od dvije zgrade; stare radionice Enzova oca te nove zgrade koju je oblikovala londonska arhitektonska tvrtka Future Systems.

Dok se u staroj zgradi nalaze Enzov ured i hrpa motora, nova zgrada površine 6000 m² udomljuje stalnu izložbu na kojoj možete vidjeti, ne i dirati, neke od najpoznatijih i najljepših Ferrarijevih automobila.

Muzej je otvoren dnevno, gotovo cijele godine, od 9:30 do cc 18h, a za sitnih 17 eura najbliže je što ćete se ikad približiti nekom Ferrariju 😂

Kasnije se uvijek možete utješiti tanjurom pašte i bocom lambrusca za istu tu cijenu 🍝 + 🍷 = ❤️