Our first big long holiday as a family of three away from home and grandparents was matter of pure necessity to be honest. While vacationing in Cres that year, we found out that our building would be subject to a pipe system renovation, starting November. That meant 3 weeks without water and the use of the toilets and bathroom during the weekdays and limited use during the weekend. There would be outdoor toilets but with a baby in the family this solution was out of the question for us.
We calculated the cost of an Airbnb somewhere in Oslo vs flight tickets and accommodation for three weeks in Italy and Spain. It turned out to be the almost exact cost. So, decision was made. We shall travel. Destinations with direct flights to and from Oslo, fast and easy ride in between the cities, sunny, warm location never visited before were the most important guidelines for creating the itinerary. The final plan was: a direct flight to Rome, than catch a fast train to Florence, where we would spend few days in Dante’s city with a day trips to Siena and Pisa, than two hours ride to Naples, day trip to Pompeii or Sorrento, fly out to Valencia, few days enjoying sangria and the beach, flying out from Alicante to Oslo with a direct flight.
And so it was! Well, almost.
Some may think that traveling with kids is not worth it. Including me. What’s the point of it? It doesn’t count as a vacation, that’s for sure. It’s just watching over them in an another location. I miss my own bed, toilet, space and the kid misses his routine. And above all, he not going to remember A THING. Especially now, when he’s so young.
But I will. WE WILL. The grownups. We will remember all of the good, bad and funny things. We will see other side of us, the side that manages a needy creature in a different environment. We will get out of our comfort zone, regret it many times a day, but then we will book another flight tickets. Because, after all it’s those little things and memories that makes our life worthwhile. Together with a decent paycheck able to pay for all of it 😁
Oh, yes, and let’s not forget millions of photos that we came back with from the journey. Millions of photos of fantastic food locations, M sitting on every corner because that was his thing those days while he got the chance to enjoy his first Italian gelatos.
One might agree or not with this conclusion, but either way there’s a lot read about our Italian Spanish adventure. Here’s where it all started -> Firenze